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Let's Work Together

It really does just make sense! When we work together with each other and with medical providers we have a better experience, and so do our clients. Reduce your overhead, secure referrals, and catch the wave of integrated behavioral health - what many are calling the future of our profession. If you're an LCSW, an LPC, or a Clinical Psychologist and have experience working within the medical community, let's talk. Our goal is to embed independent behavioral health clinicians within primary care medical clinics across Northwest Arkansas. We also provide clinical licensure supervision if you are an LMSW and want to train in the integrated model.



Searching for...


Therapists (LCSW, LPC, Clinical Psychologist)

Provide evidence-based psychotherapy, co-located inside a primary care clinic in Northwest Arkansas. Maintain strong working relationships with medical providers, collaborating with them on treatment planning. Must be able to offer flexible sessions including 20 minute solution-focused brief sessions and 15 minute consultations. Must have strong assessment and treatment planning skills and be able to coordinate treatment plans with medical priorities. Must have high health literacy and knowledge of basic medical terminology.


Contact Braden at with questions. 


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